Money Heist (Spanish: La casa de papel, transl. The House of Paper) is a Spanish television series created by Álex Pina. The first season, consisting of two parts, premiered on 2 May 2017, on Spanish network Antena 3. The TV show portrays heists on the Royal Mint of Spain and the Bank of Spain by a group of code-named robbers, as they battle with hostages on the inside, and the police on the outside. As of 3 April 2020, 31[a] episodes of Money Heist have aired, concluding the second season.[b]
In late 2017, Netflix acquired the global streaming rights for the series,[1] and re-cut the original 15 episodes into 22.[2] Netflix officially renewed the series for a third part in 2018,[3] which premiered on 19 July 2019.[4] A fourth part was released on 3 April 2020.[5] A documentary involving the producers and the cast premiered on Netflix the same day, titled Money Heist: The Phenomenon.[6][7] On 31 July 2020, Netflix renewed the show for a fifth and final part.[8]